Ok after many days of hard work and get help from every where. The new Loader is out of Beta.
Has a new Name again, sorry. This time it does not require Hermes' Payload at all, you can still use it. You do require peek/poke in your payload though. And is Now $ony Free, thats right folks no more $ony SDK. it runs on PSL1GHT and ps3chain.
For some reason it does not work with Fat PS3s. i think its due that we are still on the old kernel. i will working hard to get it working with the new kernel asap. you are also required to be on firmware 3.41. other then that here is the README and link at the Bottom
To all that have donated thanks you have help me start to get my teeth fixed. i go back in two weeks for the doctors to look again. its free but the doctor is two hours away. so with funds tight, your donations help pay for gas and such. Thank yall from bottom of my heart.
And i also want to say thanks to Ceal for testing the shit out of this as fast i could pop out a new prototype she was there to test. thanks
here is the README
AsbestOS Open Loader README
== Introduction Requirements==
This a AsbestOS Linux bootloader that runs off of the PS3 Lv-2 exploit.
It is designed to boot on PS3 systems running System Software version 3.41,
though it could be adapted to earlier versions. Linux runs on the GameOS partition,
thus having the same access to hardware that GameOS has.
This code is experimental and is intended for those who have a 16KB USB dongle
and no possibility to launch asbestOS in other form.
does not require you to be using Hermes' 4vB payload!!!!
*It also requires you to be using Hermes' 4vB payload
this is a typeo fixed here in the readme to lazy to uploadagain
to compile is best to be using linux, as i have not tested on windows
== Building ==
The PS3DEV environment variable needs Setup
$ mkdir ~/ps3dev // I Find in my user drive i have no permison problems
$ mkdir ~/ps3dev
Add these to the end of you ~/.bashrc file
export PS3DEV=~/ps3dev
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/ppu/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/spu/bin
export PSL1GHT=~/pslight
$ git clone git://github.com/HACKERCHANNEL/ps3chain.git ~/ps3chain
$ git clone git://github.com/HACKERCHANNEL/PSL1GHT.git ~/PSl1GHT
Then Read the readme under both those drives and compile how they lay out.
rember we have already set the PS3DEV and PSL1GHT vars
== Usage ==
First compile AsbestOS Loader get a compatible USB exploit mechanism.
You should also connect your PS3 and PC to a network not the internet.
(they need to be in the same broadcast domain also)
Do nothing but plug into your router
there is where everyone seems to have the trubble.
i have created a easy setup guide for the NFS share.
Read HowToNFS.
if you cant do this becuase your in windows run Virtualbox
with your fav linux. bridge the network cards under VM setup.
and then continue with the Guide.
Transfer the AsbestOSHybridLoader.pkg (that you compiled )
to the root of a thumb drive
At this point if you have edit you own dtbImage.ps3.bin
(marcan's kernel image included under xdata)
Copy them to the root of you usb thumb drive.
Fire off the exploit device, turn on your PS3 using power followed by eject within 0.2 seconds .
Install the pkg AsbestOSHybribLoader.pkg.
OK now find the penguin and run the Program.
Ok the scary part the screen goes black.it....Wait for it....If you get anything at all, congratulations, Kernel is running.
At this point, if you have any issues, the problem should be fairly apparent from the messages (Kernel panic NFS not mounted).
If not then there could be a cupple things wrong. There has been reports that there is a issuse with SD tvs.
I can not comfirm because i do not own a tv.I happen to run mine to a Monitor with a HDMI > DVI cable.
There are also been reports of it not working on Phat PS3s. as im not sure about this (one friend told me it worked on his phat),
Once the PS3 is up and running and your NFS share.you should now have a Working AsbestOS.
to find out more about AsbestOS got to marcan's blog http://marcansoft.com/blog/
You Can Contact me at my blog http://margatz85.blogspot.com/
And i want to say thanks to Ceal,Marcan32,KaKaRoToKS,Hermes,ooPo,AerialX,Mathieulh,Aaron (the guy who started PSL1GHT)
and who ever i missed. with out any of yall i wont have been able to do what i do.
Thats have fun and use my toys the way i want
== ToDo ==
spell check every thing (ROFL i cant spell sorry)
Keep up with the latest kernel and patchs.( We will have HDD support soon)
MrGatz85 & Cael's Open AsbestOS Loader
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Same Loader New Ttile "AsbestOS Hybrid Loader beta 1.1" Updated Readme
There is a new name AsbestOS Hybrid Loader. two reasons To much other people's code, and it requires both the OPEN SDK and the Leaked SDK to compile all the way. It has been a long 4 days. i been working Hard to clean, fix-up the Makefiles, comment the code.
Just plan make it some what readable by someone else. OK i hate to repeat type every thing so here is the README and links are at the bottom. Hate to ask this.but I am a stay at home dad,not by choice no work in my small town. So if you like it, Use it often, or just want too Please Donate.
AsbestOS Hybrid Loader README
== Introduction Requirements==
This a AsbestOS Linux bootloader that runs off of the PS3 Lv-2 exploit.
It is designed to boot on PS3 systems running System Software version 3.41,
though it could be adapted to earlier versions. Linux runs on the GameOS partition,
thus having the same access to hardware that GameOS has.
This code is experimental and is intended for those who have a 16KB USB dongle
and no possibility to launch asbestOS in other form.
It also requires you to be using Hermes' 4vB payload.
to compile is best to be using linux, as i have not tested on windows
== Building ==
The PS3DEV environment variable needs Setup
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/ps3dev
Add these to the end of you ~/.bashrc file
export PS3DEV=/usr/local/ps3dev
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/ppu/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/spu/bin
$ cd toolchain && ./buildit.sh ppu
You also need to setup CELL_SDK environment variable !!!
This build requires Both open adn leaked SDKs!!
With both of those set we can contintue.
Ok in the root of the AsbestOS Hybrid Loader run 'make'
this should compile the
AsbestOS bin,
AsbestOS Hybrid Loader pkg,
dbgcli (debug program for AsbestOS),
tftpgui ( small python app to loader kernal for this pkg Only setups for linux run the exe for windows)
== Usage ==
First compile AsbestOS Hybrid Loader get a compatible USB exploit mechanism.
You should also connect your PS3 and PC to a network not the internet.
(they need to be in the same broadcast domain also)
Do nothing but plug into your router
PC Update: Fixed the Readme
there is where everyone seems to have the trubble.
You will also need to disable NAT on your router(we need our own DHCP server)
OK tftp here we need to setup the tftp server and DHCP server.
really all you need to do is setup your DHCP not sure how to do this easy
but google "DHCP server YOUR_OS" and find the easyest way to setup.
after that you need to go under the tools Dir find tftpgui_1_1 and
read the README for info on how to setup the tftp server
Once configured You now need to open a copy of
dtbimage.ps3.bin (Under PS3_GAME/USRDIR/ if you need a copy )in a HEX
editor. Search for the Text "HEX" just above there is the mount and ip
address you need to change to your servers info your.server.ip:/ps3root
Now you need to setup your NFS share
i have created a easy setup guide for the NFS share.
it will be located under the tools dir called HowToNFS.
if you cant do this becuase your in windows run Virtualbox
with your fav linux. bridge the network cards under VM setup.
and then continue with the Guide.
Transfer the AsbestOSHybridLoader.pkg (that you compiled )
to the root of a thumb drive
At this point if you have compiled you own dtbImage.ps3.bin
(marcan's kernel image source at http://git.marcansoft.com/)
and asbestos.bin(Hermes' Version of the stage2 source inculded),
Copy them to the root of you usb thumb drive.
Fire off the exploit device, turn on your PS3 using power followed by eject within 0.2 seconds .
Install the pkg AsbestOSHybribLoader.pkg. OK now find the penguin and run the Program.
First it checks and make sure you exploit payload is compatible with the program Yes (goes) No (quits)
It should now ask you a series of questions.
Do you Want to boot AsbestOS?Yes (goes) No (quits)
Do you Want to load your BINS from the USB?(if you say yes and there are now files defualt will load off HDD)
Do you Want to try Experimental sys8_memcpy replacment? Yes (goes) this replaces sys8_memcpy with a poke loop No (goes) uses sys8_memcpy
Rember that sys8_call is still being used, so you still need hermes 4vb!!(Replace with your own look in main for sys8_call)
Ok the scary part the screen goes black.it....Wait for it....If you get anything at all, congratulations, Kernel is running.
At this point, if you have any issues, the problem should be fairly apparent from the messages (Kernel panic NFS not mounted).
If not then there could be a cupple things wrong. There has been reports that there is a issuse with SD tvs.
I can not comfirm because i do not own a tv.I happen to run mine to a Monitor with a HDMI > DVI cable.
There are also been reports of it not working on Phat PS3s. as im not sure about this (one friend told me it worked on his phat),
There could be a posible problem on how you exploit is deliverd to the ps3. I dont know enough quite yet so who knows.
that is why im am releasing this as a beta.
Once the PS3 is up and running and your NFS share.you should now have a Working AsbestOS.
to find out more about AsbestOS got to marcan's blog http://marcansoft.com/blog/
You Can Contact me at my blog http://margatz85.blogspot.com/
And i want to say thanks to Marcan32,KaKaRoToKS,Hermes,ooPo,AerialX,Mathieulh, an who ever i missed.
with out any of yall i wont have been able to do what i do. Thats have fun and use my toys the way i want.
== ToDo ==
spell check every thing (ROFL i cant spell sorry)
write a how to for tftp
remove the need for Only hermes' payload (replace sys8_call )
remove the ned for leaked SDK
Keep up with the latest kernel and patchs.( We will have HDD support soon)
AsbestOS Hybrid Loader
Just plan make it some what readable by someone else. OK i hate to repeat type every thing so here is the README and links are at the bottom. Hate to ask this.but I am a stay at home dad,not by choice no work in my small town. So if you like it, Use it often, or just want too Please Donate.
AsbestOS Hybrid Loader README
== Introduction Requirements==
This a AsbestOS Linux bootloader that runs off of the PS3 Lv-2 exploit.
It is designed to boot on PS3 systems running System Software version 3.41,
though it could be adapted to earlier versions. Linux runs on the GameOS partition,
thus having the same access to hardware that GameOS has.
This code is experimental and is intended for those who have a 16KB USB dongle
and no possibility to launch asbestOS in other form.
It also requires you to be using Hermes' 4vB payload.
to compile is best to be using linux, as i have not tested on windows
== Building ==
The PS3DEV environment variable needs Setup
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/ps3dev
Add these to the end of you ~/.bashrc file
export PS3DEV=/usr/local/ps3dev
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/ppu/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/spu/bin
$ cd toolchain && ./buildit.sh ppu
You also need to setup CELL_SDK environment variable !!!
This build requires Both open adn leaked SDKs!!
With both of those set we can contintue.
Ok in the root of the AsbestOS Hybrid Loader run 'make'
this should compile the
AsbestOS bin,
AsbestOS Hybrid Loader pkg,
dbgcli (debug program for AsbestOS),
tftpgui ( small python app to loader kernal for this pkg Only setups for linux run the exe for windows)
== Usage ==
First compile AsbestOS Hybrid Loader get a compatible USB exploit mechanism.
You should also connect your PS3 and PC to a network not the internet.
(they need to be in the same broadcast domain also)
Do nothing but plug into your router
PC Update: Fixed the Readme
there is where everyone seems to have the trubble.
You will also need to disable NAT on your router(we need our own DHCP server)
OK tftp here we need to setup the tftp server and DHCP server.
really all you need to do is setup your DHCP not sure how to do this easy
but google "DHCP server YOUR_OS" and find the easyest way to setup.
after that you need to go under the tools Dir find tftpgui_1_1 and
read the README for info on how to setup the tftp server
Once configured You now need to open a copy of
dtbimage.ps3.bin (Under PS3_GAME/USRDIR/ if you need a copy )in a HEX
editor. Search for the Text "HEX" just above there is the mount and ip
address you need to change to your servers info your.server.ip:/ps3root
Now you need to setup your NFS share
i have created a easy setup guide for the NFS share.
it will be located under the tools dir called HowToNFS.
if you cant do this becuase your in windows run Virtualbox
with your fav linux. bridge the network cards under VM setup.
and then continue with the Guide.
Transfer the AsbestOSHybridLoader.pkg (that you compiled )
to the root of a thumb drive
At this point if you have compiled you own dtbImage.ps3.bin
(marcan's kernel image source at http://git.marcansoft.com/)
and asbestos.bin(Hermes' Version of the stage2 source inculded),
Copy them to the root of you usb thumb drive.
Fire off the exploit device, turn on your PS3 using power followed by eject within 0.2 seconds .
Install the pkg AsbestOSHybribLoader.pkg. OK now find the penguin and run the Program.
First it checks and make sure you exploit payload is compatible with the program Yes (goes) No (quits)
It should now ask you a series of questions.
Do you Want to boot AsbestOS?Yes (goes) No (quits)
Do you Want to load your BINS from the USB?(if you say yes and there are now files defualt will load off HDD)
Do you Want to try Experimental sys8_memcpy replacment? Yes (goes) this replaces sys8_memcpy with a poke loop No (goes) uses sys8_memcpy
Rember that sys8_call is still being used, so you still need hermes 4vb!!(Replace with your own look in main for sys8_call)
Ok the scary part the screen goes black.it....Wait for it....If you get anything at all, congratulations, Kernel is running.
At this point, if you have any issues, the problem should be fairly apparent from the messages (Kernel panic NFS not mounted).
If not then there could be a cupple things wrong. There has been reports that there is a issuse with SD tvs.
I can not comfirm because i do not own a tv.I happen to run mine to a Monitor with a HDMI > DVI cable.
There are also been reports of it not working on Phat PS3s. as im not sure about this (one friend told me it worked on his phat),
There could be a posible problem on how you exploit is deliverd to the ps3. I dont know enough quite yet so who knows.
that is why im am releasing this as a beta.
Once the PS3 is up and running and your NFS share.you should now have a Working AsbestOS.
to find out more about AsbestOS got to marcan's blog http://marcansoft.com/blog/
You Can Contact me at my blog http://margatz85.blogspot.com/
And i want to say thanks to Marcan32,KaKaRoToKS,Hermes,ooPo,AerialX,Mathieulh, an who ever i missed.
with out any of yall i wont have been able to do what i do. Thats have fun and use my toys the way i want.
== ToDo ==
spell check every thing (ROFL i cant spell sorry)
write a how to for tftp
remove the need for Only hermes' payload (replace sys8_call )
remove the ned for leaked SDK
Keep up with the latest kernel and patchs.( We will have HDD support soon)
AsbestOS Hybrid Loader
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
AsbestOS Loader Update
Ok i have i spent the better part of the day working on Setting up To compile the Asbestos Kernel. It seems that people are having problems with the Ip address. I plan on removing the set address and replacing them with basic address set. (192.168.2.X and so forth) that would be simpler for the basic user. I will be also working on check for syscall8. and remove the need for only Hermes' payload its not quite fair to the rest of y'all. so i get to learn a little more about peek and poke. instead of using Hermes' syscall8. also going to have a default kernel loaded on the hdd and you be able to chose if you want to load from the usb.
For now here are some thing that might help
when you see this screen my App has worked just now the other half of AsbestOS needs to be setup. Just Follow AsbestOS Readme and it should help. anyways next update should be a release.
For now here are some thing that might help
================================================================================I hope this helps with the people that think its broken, just becuase it panics with no NFS share running.
== Usage ==
First compile AsbestOS and get a compatible USB exploit delivery mechanism. You
should also connect your PS3 and PC to a network (they need to be in the same
broadcast domain) and make sure your PC allows broadcast packets to UDP port
18194. The IP source and destination are both for these packets.
Run tools/dbgcli to get AsbestOS debug output. Fire off the exploit device, turn
on your PS3 using power followed by eject within 0.2 seconds (if required by
your exploit implementation), and cross your fingers. If you get anything at
all, congratulations, stage2 is running. At this point, if you have any issues,
the problem should be fairly apparent from the messages.
If you get nothing, either the packets aren't making it to your PC or stage2 is
failing to start up properly. If your exploit device can show the debug "print"
USB messages, that might help you find out whether stage2 is at least being
loaded properly.
If your PS3 panics (blinking red light) or spontaneously reboots, then something
somewhere probably hit an error condition. The first thing that stage2 does is
inititalize Ethernet debugging, so chances are either that failed, or stage1
Basically, if stuff doesn't work, poke me on IRC ('marcan' on either EFNet or
freenode) and we'll see what we can do.
To get a kernel to load (see below for instructions to build one), you need to
have a DHCP server on your network. It needs to be configured to feed a boot
server and filename to the PS3. The boot server should point to a machine
running a TFTP server that can serve the specified file, which should be the
kernel image. For example, on an OpenWRT Kamikaze router, put something like
this on your /etc/config/dhcp:
config host
option name ps3
option mac 00:1f:a7:aa:bb:cc
option ip
option networkid ps3
config boot
option networkid ps3
option filename dtbImage.ps3.bin
option servername foobar
option serveraddress
Where is the IP that you want your PS3 to get and is
the IP of the TFTP server. The server name doesn't really matter, but it's a
good idea to set it to the hostname of the TFTP server. Don't forget to specify
the MAC address of your PS3 correctly.
== Kernel ==
Standard ps3-linux.git kernels should work. However, you should reduce the
allocation size for the framebuffer to 2MB or so (and use a small modde, like
If you want early debugging via dbgcli from the kernel, check out the patches
at: http://git.marcansoft.com/?p=ps3-linux.git . There's also a useful .config
To build the kernel, use 'make dtbImage.ps3'. The binary that you need to use
in your TFTP server is at arch/powerpc/boot/dtbImage.ps3.bin
To specify commandline arguments, edit arch/powerpc/boot/dts/ps3.dts like this:
chosen {
bootargs = "your boot arguments here";
For example, I use the following:
udbg-immortal video=ps3fb:mode:2 root=/dev/nfs rw
nfsroot= ip=dhcp init=/linuxrc
Yes, this is ugly and will change once AsbestOS gains devicetree support.
== Linux environment ==
The GameOS environment is essentially the same as the OtherOS environment, as
they are just different LPAR configurations on the same hypervisor. The
following differences are known to exist:
- Boot memory is 16MB instead of 128MB. This restricts the size of the Linux
kernel (and any initrd) and causes issues with the allocation for the shadow
framebuffer. For now, you need to reduce the framebuffer allocation size. This
will be fixed in the future. One possibility to bypass this is to make
AsbestOS responsible for allocating the rest of RAM, and make Linux use it as
soon as possible (currently, the remaining RAM is added halfway through kernel
startup). Also, as a consequence of the 16MB initial size of RAM, the kernel
uses a silly value for the maximum number of threads. Use a wrapper script
around /sbin/init and poke /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max to work around the
issue. You might also need to run 'ulimit -u unlimited'.
- 3D support is obviously available, but its use is unknown. For all we know 3D
support might actually exist in OtherOS mode too, but it definitely must exist
under GameOS for obvious reasons.
- Flash and HDD access limitations are different. Currently, Linux seems unable
to access these devices out of the box. Investigation needed.
- Linux gets access to an additional SPE, so you get 7 instead of 6.
>>>AsbestOS README
when you see this screen my App has worked just now the other half of AsbestOS needs to be setup. Just Follow AsbestOS Readme and it should help. anyways next update should be a release.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
AsbestOS Loader

OK im back again with one of my simmple apps. Im lazy and i like one button sulutions. i have created a new loader basede on hermes loader. its does every almost the same but you dont have to go through the extra step of putting the bins on the usb and opening any Game Manger.
i also added a check to make sure you are running a payload that will work.
and want to say sorry now to the ps3hax guys that made the image i used as a icon again i am lazy.
And please rember this is still a beta.
AsbestOS Loader
i will be releasing the code shortly as right now i need more time to clean it up.
Update: Please use Hermes' payload or it wont work.
And if you have a error let leave a message on the blog,
how far did it get and when it froze
and rember its a beta
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Ok i given up on the RockUrJig project seems Other people where better suited for the own version (that works might i add) But recently i have started a new project I am calling it DVD ENABLER.
this will let you play Decrypted VOB files. Its simple and straight to the point, and easily able to reset the DVD drive.

1) You will need to dump your VOB files .
(I am working on Ubuntu with libdvdcss + vobcopy)
in ubuntu you will need to do the run the following commands
2) Now with vobcopy installed run this command
3) Now you need to FTP those VOB files to
for example Hitman unrated looks like this
4)Now Install the DVD ENABLER package...(you should know how)
5)Now insert any DVD
5)Ok now run the the DVD ENABLER. it will ask you
Yes will enable it and No will disable it.
Running the program again and saying no will reset it.
6)Now under Videos you should see a data disc.
select the data disc and you movies folders should show up.
Navigate to the movie folder you want to play and play the first VOB file.
Later Versions I will try to impalement a Built in Copier and Manger.
Word of Warning This is For personal Backup only.
Ok i hope everyone enjoys this one. I know i will My Son destroys DVDs left and right.
And if you like it and use it on a reg bases drop me donation. every little bit helps
Download:DVDENABLER.pkg Requires 3.41 and PL3 Payload
Here this the source code for the BETA
this will let you play Decrypted VOB files. Its simple and straight to the point, and easily able to reset the DVD drive.

1) You will need to dump your VOB files .
(I am working on Ubuntu with libdvdcss + vobcopy)
in ubuntu you will need to do the run the following commands
$ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh
$ sudo apt-get install vobcopy
2) Now with vobcopy installed run this command
$ vobcopy ~/Videos/XXX/replace XXX with the movies name.
3) Now you need to FTP those VOB files to
/dev/hdd0/DVDS/XXX/replace XXX with the movies name.
for example Hitman unrated looks like this
4)Now Install the DVD ENABLER package...(you should know how)
5)Now insert any DVD
5)Ok now run the the DVD ENABLER. it will ask you
Do you want to Enable the DVD ENABLER
Yes will enable it and No will disable it.
Running the program again and saying no will reset it.
6)Now under Videos you should see a data disc.
select the data disc and you movies folders should show up.
Navigate to the movie folder you want to play and play the first VOB file.
Later Versions I will try to impalement a Built in Copier and Manger.
Word of Warning This is For personal Backup only.
Ok i hope everyone enjoys this one. I know i will My Son destroys DVDs left and right.
And if you like it and use it on a reg bases drop me donation. every little bit helps
Download:DVDENABLER.pkg Requires 3.41 and PL3 Payload
Here this the source code for the BETA
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
RockUrJIG Bootloader
Ok yall i got some vids for you from k3rizz3k at ps3hax.
as i dont have the ability to get pics and vid he has donated this one for us.
the vid shows the sansa clip begin boot up and waiting for the PS3 to respond.
here is a another one
When i get more vids or pics i will let yall know.
as i dont have the ability to get pics and vid he has donated this one for us.
the vid shows the sansa clip begin boot up and waiting for the PS3 to respond.
here is a another one
When i get more vids or pics i will let yall know.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
RockUrJIG Glitch *FIXED*
Ok i have fixed the glitch. everything is back to normal now.
i also add a few more functions
This enables and disables the jig with true or false
This one checks the status and returns true or false
This one is called from the boot-loader to enable the
jig and also to check for connection of the usb
My code now starts with one call.
if(btn & BUTTON_SELECT && usb_detect() != USB_INSERTED)
Witch Allows us to boot into the exploit while the PS3 is off,
and wait for a usb connection. Another thing this allowed me to
keep rockboxs Boot-loader USB MODE for recovery.
So now for recovery mode
Hold the center button and plugin the usb cable and turn on.
To boot RockUrJIG
Hold the center and turn on without the usb-cable plugged in.
OK have fun folks!!
i also add a few more functions
This enables and disables the jig with true or false
This one checks the status and returns true or false
This one is called from the boot-loader to enable the
jig and also to check for connection of the usb
My code now starts with one call.
if(btn & BUTTON_SELECT && usb_detect() != USB_INSERTED)
Witch Allows us to boot into the exploit while the PS3 is off,
and wait for a usb connection. Another thing this allowed me to
keep rockboxs Boot-loader USB MODE for recovery.
So now for recovery mode
Hold the center button and plugin the usb cable and turn on.
To boot RockUrJIG
Hold the center and turn on without the usb-cable plugged in.
OK have fun folks!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
RockUrJIG Glitch
OK the new boot-loader has a small glitch. for some reason it does not want to give control back to the usbstack. so for the time being use the OF boot-mode to boot into the OF. then make sure you are in MSC usb mode. then transfer tell your heart is content.
you will need to do this if you want to restore your device or tranfer music.
i will get right on that glitch ASAP.
you will need to do this if you want to restore your device or tranfer music.
i will get right on that glitch ASAP.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
RockUrJIG Bootloader
Bootloader POC
Ok i have completed the bootloader part of the project.
For now the only one is the Sansa Clipv1. Later versions
will included in the common.h of the bootloader source.
i am uploading the zip and bin file needed.
Download From Here http://github.com/Gatz85/RockUrJIG/tree/master/Downloads/SansaClipv1-m300a-1.1.18/
PLease Read the README !!!
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
*Flashing your hardware will in fact VIOD YOUR WARRANTY all risk are the owners!!!
I want to thank shuffle2 from #rockbox irc channel for the patch,
and all the hard workers, working on the rockboxfirmware.
thanks a mill
Ok check few things first
1)Under settings menu under usb mode select MSC
2)again under settings menu goto to system info, version MUST SAY 1.1.18A
3)BACKUP EVERYTHING as this will install rockbox and wipe you mp3 player clean
Ok this couldnt be much more simpler.
1)Plug in your Sansa Clipv1
2)Download m300a.bin and RockUrJIG.zip
3)Unpack RockUrJIG.zip to the root drive of the CLip
4)Copy m300a.bin to the root drive of the CLip
5)Unplug your Clip it should then say (Firmware Upgraded in Progress) when its done it will say (Upgrade complete) and SHUTOFF
6)Ready to Use!!!
Using RockUrJIG POC
OK now you have installed RockUrJIG!! YAY!!
first you have a fully functioning MP3 player With Rockbox.
You can find all that info at www.rockbox.org. I will also include the manual.
Second you have a ps3 exploit (not working at the moment just bootloader).
To Boot the OF
hold the |<< button and turn on
To Boot Rockbox
Turn on as you would normally
To Boot RockUrJIG
Hold the Center Button and turn on
When you boot up into RockUrJIG
1) Checks For usb Connection and Displays (Checking for PS3)
2)when usb is found, it then Starts the exploit code.
3)It will display exploit states
for now though the exploit code is NULL for the simple fact its not done.
i still working on it, but in the process i had to write this bootloader patch.
but as for the exploit some functions tend to crash the system,
so until then here is a nice bootloader.
Bootloader POC
Ok i have completed the bootloader part of the project.
For now the only one is the Sansa Clipv1. Later versions
will included in the common.h of the bootloader source.
i am uploading the zip and bin file needed.
Download From Here http://github.com/Gatz85/RockUrJIG/tree/master/Downloads/SansaClipv1-m300a-1.1.18/
PLease Read the README !!!
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
*Flashing your hardware will in fact VIOD YOUR WARRANTY all risk are the owners!!!
I want to thank shuffle2 from #rockbox irc channel for the patch,
and all the hard workers, working on the rockboxfirmware.
thanks a mill
Ok check few things first
1)Under settings menu under usb mode select MSC
2)again under settings menu goto to system info, version MUST SAY 1.1.18A
3)BACKUP EVERYTHING as this will install rockbox and wipe you mp3 player clean
Ok this couldnt be much more simpler.
1)Plug in your Sansa Clipv1
2)Download m300a.bin and RockUrJIG.zip
3)Unpack RockUrJIG.zip to the root drive of the CLip
4)Copy m300a.bin to the root drive of the CLip
5)Unplug your Clip it should then say (Firmware Upgraded in Progress) when its done it will say (Upgrade complete) and SHUTOFF
6)Ready to Use!!!
Using RockUrJIG POC
OK now you have installed RockUrJIG!! YAY!!
first you have a fully functioning MP3 player With Rockbox.
You can find all that info at www.rockbox.org. I will also include the manual.
Second you have a ps3 exploit (not working at the moment just bootloader).
To Boot the OF
hold the |<< button and turn on
To Boot Rockbox
Turn on as you would normally
To Boot RockUrJIG
Hold the Center Button and turn on
When you boot up into RockUrJIG
1) Checks For usb Connection and Displays (Checking for PS3)
2)when usb is found, it then Starts the exploit code.
3)It will display exploit states
for now though the exploit code is NULL for the simple fact its not done.
i still working on it, but in the process i had to write this bootloader patch.
but as for the exploit some functions tend to crash the system,
so until then here is a nice bootloader.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Welcome, are you ready to RockUrJIG. are you broke or did you miss out on ordering a clone, or dev board. well my solution might be for you! Everyone owns some sort of old mp3 player right? Well the wonderful group of people have made a opensource firmware called RockBox. At this moment I am working on porting the PS3groove exploit over to the firmware. The hard part so far is that i am trying to porting it to multiple chip-sets at once. Once done all the way we should have exploit for a bunch of different mp3 players.
The plan I am shooting for is this
1)Is for Easy flashing using the Rockulity provided by RockBox.
2)A Simple program that is ran (while still retaining Mp3 player usability)
3) Interchangeable Payloads so when updated payloads come out they can be replaced
4)Last but least Opensource all this work will posted and source code given freely
But Ok my email has slammed for days with people asking if im done. well sorry folks im not done but im a lot closer, and i do not know if your mp3 player will work. but what i do know is that im relesing all the code i have soon for the simple fact i think im stuck. i was donated a some NONworking POC code that im trying to clean up a bit(mostly clean code but rearranging it a bit).
Problems im having is converting one chips function into another chips. other then that i belive it will be done soon.
But hopefully with the resources of the Opensource Community. the project will become complete. and we will finally have a exploit that does not cost a fortune. As soon as i have a git-hub up i will posting the site and what still needs to be completed. Well good luck and happy coding
I have start the git-hub for the project it can be found at github.com
As of now there it is only a stock firmware with a NON working POC patched in by hand.
Alrighty then im back to work on the project Hope y'all can help
Oh one more thing i want to thanks shuffle2 from ROCKBOX irc and all the hard workers, making the firmware possible
Thanks a Mill
LOL i bricked my sansaclipv1 easy fix.
im changing the to version 28092 of the firmware.
mean more hand patching but it is more stable on my player
Oh if you want follow me on twitter
http://twitter.com/MrGatz85 or just send me a message .
The plan I am shooting for is this
1)Is for Easy flashing using the Rockulity provided by RockBox.
2)A Simple program that is ran (while still retaining Mp3 player usability)
3) Interchangeable Payloads so when updated payloads come out they can be replaced
4)Last but least Opensource all this work will posted and source code given freely
But Ok my email has slammed for days with people asking if im done. well sorry folks im not done but im a lot closer, and i do not know if your mp3 player will work. but what i do know is that im relesing all the code i have soon for the simple fact i think im stuck. i was donated a some NONworking POC code that im trying to clean up a bit(mostly clean code but rearranging it a bit).
Problems im having is converting one chips function into another chips. other then that i belive it will be done soon.
But hopefully with the resources of the Opensource Community. the project will become complete. and we will finally have a exploit that does not cost a fortune. As soon as i have a git-hub up i will posting the site and what still needs to be completed. Well good luck and happy coding
I have start the git-hub for the project it can be found at github.com
As of now there it is only a stock firmware with a NON working POC patched in by hand.
Alrighty then im back to work on the project Hope y'all can help
Oh one more thing i want to thanks shuffle2 from ROCKBOX irc and all the hard workers, making the firmware possible
Thanks a Mill
LOL i bricked my sansaclipv1 easy fix.
im changing the to version 28092 of the firmware.
mean more hand patching but it is more stable on my player
Oh if you want follow me on twitter
http://twitter.com/MrGatz85 or just send me a message .
Monday, August 23, 2010
SCSDK (Self Contained Software Development Kit)
Yes every one would love there ISOs and everyone wants a emulator.
but come to think of it i would love for a team to get behind a good SDK for the home-brew. something with easy access to programing objects for both the CPUs and Graphics GPU. Yeah something to bring any old programmer up to par with the rest people. a simplified and generic SDK. i know every one is going to yell foul. but think of it most software dev Enviroments u don't have to work hard at making the prorgram to work, (well not as hard as in with just a text pad and BIN utils) Maybe even make it to run on the console itself.
There u go call it SCSDK(Self Contained Software Development Kit). give to averg joe access to the real power of the PS3 and the real home-brew software will be a endless stream. there will be pirates and there will be the others, the other people are who is going to make the difference. from paint to Cloud computing the will make it all if given the chance.
so a call to all homebrew devs your stuff is all fine and dandy but really we need a standard a baseline. a new generation that has the ability to over look money and fame and start a new Open source for the PS3. becuase if we make it happen and we are succesful maybe then and only then will sony understand that we love to game but we love are freedom to chose to make or break are games. and maybe just maybe when the PS4 does or ever comes out in my life time it will really "Do Everything"
so the call goes out, SCSDK. will you make it happen or will you sit back and wait for the next ISO loader so you can steal games from the real programmers. help create a empire of open source that sony has never imaged, help build a world where we our free to do as we please with our own hardware, where to possibility's are endless and beyond or wildest dreams.
So Will You Do Your Part??
but come to think of it i would love for a team to get behind a good SDK for the home-brew. something with easy access to programing objects for both the CPUs and Graphics GPU. Yeah something to bring any old programmer up to par with the rest people. a simplified and generic SDK. i know every one is going to yell foul. but think of it most software dev Enviroments u don't have to work hard at making the prorgram to work, (well not as hard as in with just a text pad and BIN utils) Maybe even make it to run on the console itself.
There u go call it SCSDK(Self Contained Software Development Kit). give to averg joe access to the real power of the PS3 and the real home-brew software will be a endless stream. there will be pirates and there will be the others, the other people are who is going to make the difference. from paint to Cloud computing the will make it all if given the chance.
so a call to all homebrew devs your stuff is all fine and dandy but really we need a standard a baseline. a new generation that has the ability to over look money and fame and start a new Open source for the PS3. becuase if we make it happen and we are succesful maybe then and only then will sony understand that we love to game but we love are freedom to chose to make or break are games. and maybe just maybe when the PS4 does or ever comes out in my life time it will really "Do Everything"
so the call goes out, SCSDK. will you make it happen or will you sit back and wait for the next ISO loader so you can steal games from the real programmers. help create a empire of open source that sony has never imaged, help build a world where we our free to do as we please with our own hardware, where to possibility's are endless and beyond or wildest dreams.
So Will You Do Your Part??
Friday, April 9, 2010
OSX USB install thumbdrives (Without A Mac Computer)!!!
OK I'm Very New to this whole OSX86 stuff, but i do run ubuntu on my machines alot. so when i had the idea to try the mac os out, i ran into a problem my laptop overheats a little and the disk install takes way to long. so a usb stick was my solution. the only drawback was u need a working Mac to make one.
So here is the work around i have found.
Quick disclaimer i'm not responsible for and thing that this does or doesn't do to you computer!!!
OK First there are a Few things that u will need
1) One working Install Distro (at this point i'm assuming that any one would work ine was Kalyway_10.5.2_DVD_Intel_Amd )
2) Two thumb-drives the same size (the size u need depends on Distro you use i only need two 4 gig)
3) a computer with Linux installed( i use Ubuntu but any version should suffice)
first step is to wipe the thumb-drives clean, i formated them fat32.
side note i also had trouble with my thumb-drives they where both sandisk 4GB.
so i downloaded a tool called u3_tool from http://u3-tool.sourceforge.net/ and followed there install process in the read-me it came with. (there is also a windows version too i haven't tested it)
on with the u3_tool i ran the following commands and u will lose the u3 CD and all data on the sandisk
sdb was my device name yours might be different
u3-tool -e /dev/sdb
enter a new password
u3-tool -u /dev/sdb
enter yes to unlock
u3-tool -R /dev/sdb
enter yes to restore
u3-tool -p 1 /dev/sdb
enter yes then this command sets the cd size on the sandisk to 64.00 kB
then i booted the computer up with the install disk i created
letting load all the way to the point u chose the hdd u want to install on
using the diskutil in the mac os installer, i proceeded to format the thumb-drives in the HFS+ format without the journaling on. naming what ever u want just remember one will be the finished product (i named one "Tmp" and one " OSX")
while still in the the diskutil i made dmg of the cd to one of the Tmp Thumbdrive
this quite some time go play your ps3 or what not!!
after that has completed i took the DMG image i created and restored it to my OSX thumbdrive. again not as long but still play my ps3 for a bit
here is the tricky part me personely had to restart and boot into linux.
but to save time if you have another computer handy and running linux
(if so don't shutdown the computer leave it at the diskutil screen).
ok now we have linux pop the thumbdrives in. if you don't have HFS+ support then google it should be easy to fix. check make sure that every thing is work and u can read the thumb-drive.
ok go ahead and download the latest chameloin they have out( i used Chameleon-2.0-RC4-r684-bin) and unzip it to a folder
now open a termial navigate to the folder with the Chameleon-2.0-RC4-r684-bin and then run the following commands
sudo cp -r * /media/Tmp
sudo cp /i386/boot /media/OSX
Ok now i had to restart again,and run the install cd again. but if u saved time then plug them back into the computer running the install.
OK now get back to the disk-util screen on the install disk make sure both drives are OK.
also make a note of clicking the info button and finding the device name mine was disk0s1 yours should be a similar name.
if so click the OSX drive and unmount it.
OK now close the disk-util and open a terminal.
ok now in the mac terminal run the following commands
cd /Volumes/Tmp/i386
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/DEVICENAME
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/DEVICENAME
if the commands ran correctly then run one last command
Then remove the install CD and the Tmp thumbdrive and your computer should reboot into the usb with Chameleon and just hit enter and the install will boot
So here is the work around i have found.
Quick disclaimer i'm not responsible for and thing that this does or doesn't do to you computer!!!
OK First there are a Few things that u will need
1) One working Install Distro (at this point i'm assuming that any one would work ine was Kalyway_10.5.2_DVD_Intel_Amd )
2) Two thumb-drives the same size (the size u need depends on Distro you use i only need two 4 gig)
3) a computer with Linux installed( i use Ubuntu but any version should suffice)
first step is to wipe the thumb-drives clean, i formated them fat32.
side note i also had trouble with my thumb-drives they where both sandisk 4GB.
so i downloaded a tool called u3_tool from http://u3-tool.sourceforge.net/ and followed there install process in the read-me it came with. (there is also a windows version too i haven't tested it)
on with the u3_tool i ran the following commands and u will lose the u3 CD and all data on the sandisk
sdb was my device name yours might be different
u3-tool -e /dev/sdb
enter a new password
u3-tool -u /dev/sdb
enter yes to unlock
u3-tool -R /dev/sdb
enter yes to restore
u3-tool -p 1 /dev/sdb
enter yes then this command sets the cd size on the sandisk to 64.00 kB
then i booted the computer up with the install disk i created
letting load all the way to the point u chose the hdd u want to install on
using the diskutil in the mac os installer, i proceeded to format the thumb-drives in the HFS+ format without the journaling on. naming what ever u want just remember one will be the finished product (i named one "Tmp" and one " OSX")
while still in the the diskutil i made dmg of the cd to one of the Tmp Thumbdrive
this quite some time go play your ps3 or what not!!
after that has completed i took the DMG image i created and restored it to my OSX thumbdrive. again not as long but still play my ps3 for a bit
here is the tricky part me personely had to restart and boot into linux.
but to save time if you have another computer handy and running linux
(if so don't shutdown the computer leave it at the diskutil screen).
ok now we have linux pop the thumbdrives in. if you don't have HFS+ support then google it should be easy to fix. check make sure that every thing is work and u can read the thumb-drive.
ok go ahead and download the latest chameloin they have out( i used Chameleon-2.0-RC4-r684-bin) and unzip it to a folder
now open a termial navigate to the folder with the Chameleon-2.0-RC4-r684-bin and then run the following commands
sudo cp -r * /media/Tmp
sudo cp /i386/boot /media/OSX
Ok now i had to restart again,and run the install cd again. but if u saved time then plug them back into the computer running the install.
OK now get back to the disk-util screen on the install disk make sure both drives are OK.
also make a note of clicking the info button and finding the device name mine was disk0s1 yours should be a similar name.
if so click the OSX drive and unmount it.
OK now close the disk-util and open a terminal.
ok now in the mac terminal run the following commands
cd /Volumes/Tmp/i386
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/DEVICENAME
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/DEVICENAME
if the commands ran correctly then run one last command
Then remove the install CD and the Tmp thumbdrive and your computer should reboot into the usb with Chameleon and just hit enter and the install will boot
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